Tag: LLM

Tech, Spirituality and everything in between

Where are machines taking us?

Still remember the heyday of Computing – the 60’s and the 70’s when the input was a punched card reader or a teletype. We have come a long way from then. From there we are in a mouse and keyboard input transitioning to voice. The future will be voice and thought interfaces. Your kids and…
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From Tools to Being

The history of humanity is a testament to the progress we have achieved using various tools. Technology is not just a good thing to have. It has become a source of competitive advantage. Technology has become the go-to differentiator between the haves and the have-nots. People or organizations must use the latest cutting-edge tools to…
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Understanding chatGPT So much noise over chatGPT. It’s amazing to watch how this AI throws out answers to the most mundane and twisted questions. It seems to know. But does it? For that, we have to understand a little bit about AI. There are 3 kinds of learning in AI: Supervised Unsupervised Reinforced Now, chatGPT…
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