Be like water
The best are like water.
Water benefits all things and does not compete with them.
It flows to the lowest level that people disdain.
In this, it comes near to the Way.
In their dwellings, they love the earth.
In their hearts, they love what is profound.
In their friendship, they love humanity.
In their words, they love sincerity.
In government, they love peace.
In business, they love ability.
In their actions, they love timeliness.
It is because they do not compete
that there is no resentment.
(Tao-Te-Ching, 8th Verse)
Water is odorless, tasteless, and transparent. Wherever it goes, it finds its level. It takes the shape and color of things it comes in contact with. It does not demand anything. Also, it does not compete with anything. You can find water in places where you would dare not to go. 70% of the planet is water. 70% of our body is water.
People with the disposition of water are happy. They do not have rivals, nor do they challenge others. They try and are not bothered about victory or failure. They are sincere in both words and actions. They don’t have imposter syndrome or any other feelings of inadequacy. They are complete and live in the present.
Be like water. Persistent. Life-Giving.
God Bless!