Tag: change

Tech, Spirituality and everything in between

How to bring in a change in your Self

Change is the only constant, somebody said. Everything around us changes, including ourselves. We lose thousands of cells daily. Our stomach lining changes every 2 weeks. And many other bodily changes. We are not even slightly aware of these phenomenal changes that take place. Most of the time, our subconscious manages all these processes like…
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Self-improvement is a hoax

Be grounded in the moment – that’s all The word ‘self-improvement’ needs to be understood closely. It normally denotes a lack of something which we need to improve upon. Well, I have news for you. There is nothing that you are short of. At any point, you are a complete person, as the Universe wants…
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Change Yourself to Change the World

Change Yourself to Change the World Rather than changing the world, the best thing is to change yourself. Most of the things happening in the world are not within your control. (99.9%) The remaining is. That leaves you with a measly 0.1%. Now, what if this also is out of your sphere of influence. We…
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How to bring in a change in your Self

How to bring in a change in your Self Change is the only constant, somebody said. Everything around us changes, including ourselves. We lose thousands of cells daily. Our stomach lining changes every 2 weeks. And many other bodily changes. We are not even slightly aware of these phenomenal changes that take place. Most of…
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