Category: Spirituality, Inspiration

Tech, Spirituality and everything in between

He lives everywhere

In the rhyme of the flute, in the calling of the mosque, in the prayer held on a Sunday morning mass, everywhere. He lives everywhere. In the truthfulness of the brave, in the love of the lover, in the mind of a mathematician, everywhere. He lives everywhere. In the morning sunrise, in the smell of…
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From EVIL to GOD

Evil is just a hoax. There is no such thing. There is only one force that pervades this universe. And that force is good. The force of God if you may like to call it that way. What seems to be negative is wrapped in a single word called ignorance. Evil is about ignorance. Ignorance…
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What are we really looking for?

A very happy and prosperous New Year to all of you. Miracles all around us, still can’t get enough. Isn’t the whole world around us miraculous? There are 3 trillion cells inside our body, dancing away to the tune of a subtle intelligence. There are many leaves on a tree, each one different, but still…
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Fear is a deep emotion that all of us have. Right from our birth, we feel this emotion whenever we encounter something dreadful. It may be real or imaginary. The amygdala at the base of the hippocampus in our brain is the fear center. When threatened it sends signals to the hypothalamus to secrete adrenaline…
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Never give up

In life, there are two rules you must follow: First, never give up. Second, never give up. Maybe today was not the day for you. There is always a morrow that you can hope for. The problem is that life is a million-piece jigsaw puzzle and each of us has about 10-15 pieces. With these,…
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Releasing stuck emotions – EFT

There is a small difference between a thought and an emotion. Both are neurological aggregations found in our brain, gut, and heart. But an emotional complex is denser than a thought. Hence emotions are nothing but a juicier version of a thought. A thought can trigger an emotion and vice versa. In a situation caught…
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I’m Enough

Expectations and Outcomes There may be several reasons you are not feeling up to it. Maybe that job you have is stressful. Maybe your colleagues at work do not appreciate you. Maybe your friends keep telling you about your shortcomings. Or that speech that you gave did not get you the applause that you think…
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The five questions of life

Who am I What’s my purpose How can I be happy What should I do Where is the end Who am I Ask yourself this question from your heart, and you will get just one answer – consciousness. You are not your name, address, driving license number or other artifacts, which you uphold so dearly.…
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From here to eternity

Aye ghame zindagi, khucch toh de mashwara (Oh grieving life, give me some recommendation) Ek tarf uska ghar,ek taraf maikada. (On one side is his house, and on the other side is the bar) —- Ghazal, Pankaj Udhas This sums up the precarious position in which one finds him/herself. Where to go? On one side…
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Seven shortcuts to happiness

1. Practice silence everyday It’s not about the surroundings. Many people work amid all that din, still keep themselves peaceful. If you get yourself a silent place where you can be at peace with yourself, consider that as a bonus. 2. Trust that God is with you always You must have this deep-down awareness that…
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