Category: TechnoSpirituality

Tech, Spirituality and everything in between

Data, Program et. all.

Data Programming is a creative endeavor. Every single second, we are engrossed in a virtual world. A world full of constants, variables, conditionals, loops, sometimes objects and functions, and other abstractions. For everything in a machine, we have a name. A name is either data or it points to a memory location. The name itself…
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Inside the mind of God

The four parts of the mind To succeed we need to understand how the mind works. The mind is nothing but an expanse of collective memories and experiences. The mind consists of four parts : memory (karma) intellect (buddhi) ego (ahamkara) chitta (soul perception). Of these, the first 3 are very active in most people.…
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The meaning of it all

The meaning of it all (Inspired by Richard Feynman) Is there a meaning to Life? Are we just squandering time? What is the Purpose of Life? Like Deepak Chopra says ‘Who am I ?’, ‘What do I want?’ , ‘How can Life be more meaningful’, ‘What is it all about?’ There are many other queries…
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Binary God

Binary GOD Zeroes and Ones explained Why do we need two bits (zero and one) to represent information? The answer is quite simple. If there were just one bit, how would we know the difference between an object like say an apple and an orange. If we say that ‘0’ (zero) represents an apple, an…
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7 Techno-Spiritual trends of 2021

7 Techno-Spiritual trends of 2021 1. Data becomes the program (The analytic divide) As organizations try to extrude inferences from data, a new pattern is emerging. Data consumers are stretching their needs to demand more and more insights from data. Data scientists are not only under pressure to tell stories using visualization; every department is…
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Man-Machine Intersection

Man-Machine Intersection Painting is what you see. Poetry is what you feel. Inside every painting is a flow. Some of us resonate with it. Some don’t. For those of us who do, we get a distinct feeling. And that is the poetry hidden within the painting. Similarly, when we read a poem, we are looking…
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Being human in the age of AI

Being human in the age of AI Human beings are made up of stories. Every human is a story playing out his/her memory in the arrow of time. These stories are nothing but our karma which gives rise to our habits or rituals. The more, certain types of karmic impressions, the deeper the habit. However,…
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