Author: Rajesh Menon

Tech, Spirituality and everything in between

4 quick riddles for you

Riddle 1: What is the sharpest thing in the world ? You may say knife, sword, etc. But the sharpest thing in the world is your tongue. You can easily hurt others by saying something offensive. So be careful with your words. Once they are spoken, they cannot be taken back. Like an arrow shot…
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The 3 steps to success

Step 1 : Believe that you are worth it No matter what your life situation is today, believe that you are going to achieve your dreams. Know that you are worth it. Say out to yourself, ‘I am Enough’, ‘I have what it takes’, ‘I deserve it’. The dictum is ‘Believe in yourself’. This small…
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Live a long life

How much is a long life? 120 years or maybe 150 years. What I’m about to tell you will blow your mind away. Today the average life expectancy is 70-80 years. Of course, a lot of it depends on where you live. If you live in Japan, it is 85 years and if you live…
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Predictions 2024

Tech trends of 2024 1. Generative AI to expand to specialized and localized versions. Open-source tools like Mistral and Llama will become more popular. GPT-5 will launch this year. Every company will have its version of LLM by the end of the year. AGI will not happen in 2024. 2. AR/VR/MR will start to move…
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Prayer and Programming

There is a similarity between computer programming and prayer. A computer program consists of 3 parts: 1. Declaration 2. Function 3. Closure A prayer is also similar. Here is an outline: Declaration (Gratitude) What do I have Function (Desire) What do I want Closure (Belief) In trust and faith In the Gospel of Thomas (Nag…
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Your reality is a lie

The world is not the way we perceive it. Our perception is based on the five senses and our filters. By filters, I mean the lens of memory and imagination that we are endowed with. Not only do we ingest reality, but we also even toy with our memories and make them in a way…
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The Evolution of Software

Around 60 years back, we were using machine/assembly language to program the computer. Then came programming languages like ALGOL, COBOL, FORTRAN, etc. Now these languages are better but still tedious. With the arrival of BASIC, the learning curve was reduced a lot. However, BASIC was too high level. In the 80-90’s we saw the arrival…
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He lives everywhere

In the rhyme of the flute, in the calling of the mosque, in the prayer held on a Sunday morning mass, everywhere. He lives everywhere. In the truthfulness of the brave, in the love of the lover, in the mind of a mathematician, everywhere. He lives everywhere. In the morning sunrise, in the smell of…
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From EVIL to GOD

Evil is just a hoax. There is no such thing. There is only one force that pervades this universe. And that force is good. The force of God if you may like to call it that way. What seems to be negative is wrapped in a single word called ignorance. Evil is about ignorance. Ignorance…
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What are we really looking for?

A very happy and prosperous New Year to all of you. Miracles all around us, still can’t get enough. Isn’t the whole world around us miraculous? There are 3 trillion cells inside our body, dancing away to the tune of a subtle intelligence. There are many leaves on a tree, each one different, but still…
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