Tag: happiness

Tech, Spirituality and everything in between

How to bring in a change in your Self

Change is the only constant, somebody said. Everything around us changes, including ourselves. We lose thousands of cells daily. Our stomach lining changes every 2 weeks. And many other bodily changes. We are not even slightly aware of these phenomenal changes that take place. Most of the time, our subconscious manages all these processes like…
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What are we really looking for?

A very happy and prosperous New Year to all of you. Miracles all around us, still can’t get enough. Isn’t the whole world around us miraculous? There are 3 trillion cells inside our body, dancing away to the tune of a subtle intelligence. There are many leaves on a tree, each one different, but still…
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Seven shortcuts to happiness

1. Practice silence everyday It’s not about the surroundings. Many people work amid all that din, still keep themselves peaceful. If you get yourself a silent place where you can be at peace with yourself, consider that as a bonus. 2. Trust that God is with you always You must have this deep-down awareness that…
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Self-improvement is a hoax

Be grounded in the moment – that’s all The word ‘self-improvement’ needs to be understood closely. It normally denotes a lack of something which we need to improve upon. Well, I have news for you. There is nothing that you are short of. At any point, you are a complete person, as the Universe wants…
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How to Get Started on the Journey of Self Love

How to Get Started on the Journey of Self Love Introduction: The Importance of Self-Love In today’s world, self-love is a foundation of a healthy lifestyle. We all have to love ourselves if we want to be happy and achieve our goals in life. Self-love is not about arrogance or narcissism, it’s about being aware…
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If You Are Not Doing What You Love, You Are Wasting Your Time

If You Are Not Doing What You Love, You Are Wasting Your Time Ask yourself – are you spending your time on what you love, are just whiling it away? We all get 24 hours in a day, but why is it that some people make it, and some don’t. If there is one thing…
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4 Quick Riddles For You

4 Quick Riddles For You What is the sharpest thing in the world? You may say knife, sword, etc. But the sharpest thing in the world is your tongue. You can easily hurt others by saying something offensive. So be careful with your words. Once they are spoken, they cannot be taken back. Like an…
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Live, Love, Laugh

Most of us are trying to manage our time, as effectively as possible. Time Management is an art that can be mastered. In trying to harmonize our work, family, personal space, and other tasks, we forget one thing. Taking care of ourselves. So, what are we trying to achieve by managing time? The answer in…
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