
Tech, Spirituality and everything in between

The Complete Guide to Business and How to Get Started

The Complete Guide to Business and How to Get Started Introduction: Starting a Business or Growing Your Company? How to Develop Strategies for Your Business How to Market Your Brand and Get it Seen by People Promote and Sell Products and Services Online 4 Proven Ways To Use Business Analytics to Get Ahead of Your…
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The 10 Commandments of Loving Yourself and Finding Your Inner Peace

The 10 Commandments of Loving Yourself and Finding Your Inner Peace Introduction: Loving Yourself Is the Greatest Heresy-Shattering the Myths of Self-Love Liking yourself a little bit more is not something you can achieve overnight. It is something that needs time, effort, and patience. Below are some tips on how to like yourself a little…
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The meaning of it all

The meaning of it all (Inspired by Richard Feynman) Is there a meaning to Life? Are we just squandering time? What is the Purpose of Life? Like Deepak Chopra says ‘Who am I ?’, ‘What do I want?’ , ‘How can Life be more meaningful’, ‘What is it all about?’ There are many other queries…
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Binary God

Binary GOD Zeroes and Ones explained Why do we need two bits (zero and one) to represent information? The answer is quite simple. If there were just one bit, how would we know the difference between an object like say an apple and an orange. If we say that ‘0’ (zero) represents an apple, an…
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Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality

Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality AR Augmented reality is about superimposing images/videos etc onto reality. Take for example the game Pokemon Go. Players would try to collect pokemon from the world. You keep walking and you see a Pokemon here and then there. The idea is to collect as many pokemon as possible. Now, this…
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Freedom v/s Security

Freedom v/s Security This is the crux of it all. Freedom v/s Security. On one hand, we have been given free will, on the other hand, we must live within the rules and regulations. By rules and regulations, I don’t mean the ones that were created by man. But science, which has its dictums. For…
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Change Yourself to Change the World

Change Yourself to Change the World Rather than changing the world, the best thing is to change yourself. Most of the things happening in the world are not within your control. (99.9%) The remaining is. That leaves you with a measly 0.1%. Now, what if this also is out of your sphere of influence. We…
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If You Are Not Doing What You Love, You Are Wasting Your Time

If You Are Not Doing What You Love, You Are Wasting Your Time Ask yourself – are you spending your time on what you love, are just whiling it away? We all get 24 hours in a day, but why is it that some people make it, and some don’t. If there is one thing…
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Employability of an IT Professional

Employability of an IT Professional To be employable in IT, you need the following skills: Tech Skills Business Skills Soft Skills Process Skills Tech Skills You require programming knowledge of 1 or 2 programming languages. For example, Java and Python. More important than programming languages, it’s the art and science of programming that you should…
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Python in 3 minutes

Python in 3 minutes Why Python? Because it’s a very easy-to-use programming language. Python is an object-oriented programming language that is dynamically typed. This simply means that behind the scenes Python treats everything as objects and does not have variable type declarations unlike say C++ wherein if you wanted to define an integer, you’d probably…
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